samedi 11 août 2018


Il a l’illumination compréhensive, qui éclaire l’ensemble sans faire paraître de détails. C’est cette lumière, supérieure à celle de dix soleils.

 Tout, dans le monde, est personnel, est subjectif. Un homme couché dans la boue, y gagnera un lumbago, tandis qu’une anguille ne se portera nulle part mieux que là. 
But a day , un man and a question ,wich THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD do you like. A man give a spetacular answer, i would said not ,THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD doesn't exist but i prefers a world with a good and great ringtone. Why great but good is normally , do you have or like Your ringtone, do you need change this or do you not affraid have a confusion with people, neighborhood, transport, building or another way. Where a ringtone's shop. Not THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD doesn't exist just it take a inexact future with human and not with all beside people isn't a human and world haven't need to said THE MATERIALISTIC because allyone knows price of THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD, chaos ? Not humm?

Un homme juché sur un arbre s’y sentira mal à l’aise, tandis qu’un singe trouvera la position parfaite. Les uns mangent ceci, les autres cela.

Les uns recherchent telle chose, les autres telle autre. 

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